The Orginal Shiba Inu Club of Southern California since 1995!
"Happy Year of the Dragon"
Fable Of The Dragon | $TYRANT
We are Proud Owners, Breeders, & Educators
Guardians of Shiba Inus "
from Santa Barbara to San Diego.
We love Shibas! We are SCSC!!!
Celebrating nearly 30 years of friendship
Click to Enjoy A taste of Japan((
Please enjoy the music on each page from
As a club we conducting Zoom monthly meetings for SCSC members.
For late breaking Shiba NEWS
SCSC Grand Champion Kaze!
2020 Agility Grand Champion (AGCH)
SCSC Grand Champion Mojo!
2019 Agility Grand Champion (AGCH)
Kaze earned her 2020 Agility Grand Champion title and is the second Shiba Inu this title!
Mojo is the first Shiba ever to earn the title of Agility Grand Champion (AGCH)!
First Ever! That's Huge!!
Both Kaze and Mojo have been invited to the National Invitationals.
To earn the AGCH title, the following number of qualifying scores had to be earned:
Master Standard & Master Jumper with Weaves (JWW) - 100 qualifying scores for each class
Master Fast - 75 qualifying scores
Time 2 Beat - 75 qualifying scores
Premier Standard and Premier JWW - 50 qualifying scores from each class
Owner Liz has worked countless hours with Kaze & Mojo to achieve these Titles and Honors. We are extremely proud of them!
2020 AKC Champion Kaze
2020 AKC Champion Mojo
For the Shiba on the Go Shop 'til you Drop at the Store!